In order to have a forum for technical and educational development, information sharing and enhancement of Tax Practice and Administration, The Chartered Institute of Taxation of Nigeria (CITN) and The Chartered Institute of Taxation of Ghana (CITG) in collaboration with Revenue agencies in the West African Region have formed The West African Union of Tax Institutes (WAUTI).

Barr. Samuel O. AGBELUYI
President of WAUTI


To develop and enhance Taxation profession in West Africa.

To promote the development of common technical and educational guidelines, professional ethics and standards in member-bodies;

To act as a centre for the development and dissemination of information concerning taxation standards and practices in West Africa.

To provide encouragement for and assistance with the formation and development of national taxation bodies.

To co-operate with International Tax Directors’ Forum ( ITDF), as much as possible, in its programme of activities

To collaborate with regional organizations, international bodies and agencies in the development and promotion of the taxation profession within the sub-region.

To provide a forum for the professional development of member-bodies through seminars, symposia, congresses and interchange of ideas and experiences.

Generally to do such other things as may be incidental or conducive to the attainment of the Union’s objectives.

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